Privacy policy

MB DIAC responsibly protects your privacy. This privacy policy describes what personal information we collect and how we use it.

Our main goal in collecting your personal information is to provide you with a smooth, efficient and personalized experience while you use our online store. This allows us to provide information and functions that best suit your needs and helps us customize our services so that they are easier and faster to understand.


Seller – MB DIAC, company code 305562957, VAT payer code: LT100014208018,
Address: Gudzioniu str. 1, Jonava, Lithuania

DIAC – electronic store located at

User (buyer) - any natural person or legal entity that uses the electronic store, orders and purchases goods.

Personal data - any information related to a natural person - a data subject whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined.

Controller of personal data -

Account – The result of the buyer's registration, which creates an account that stores his personal data and order history.

Services – all DIAC.LT services provided to the Buyer.

Third person – a legal or natural person, with the exception of the data subject, data controller, data processor and persons who are directly authorized by the data controller or data processor to process data.

Administrator - the person responsible for the electronic store DIAC.LT.

IP address – Each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Because these numbers are usually assigned by country block, an IP address can often be used to identify the country from which a computer connects to the Internet.

Rules - the valid "Rules for the purchase and sale of goods in the online store" have been approved.

Direct marketing - activities aimed at offering goods or services to individuals by mail, telephone or in another direct way and/or asking them for their opinion on the offered Goods or services.

Other terms used in this privacy policy are understood as they are defined in the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania.


This privacy policy is intended to ensure that the Seller complies with the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Electronic Communications of the Republic of Lithuania and other valid legal acts regulating the protection of personal data, as well as the instructions of competent authorities.

The privacy policy of the DIAC online store provides the basic rules for the collection, storage and processing of personal data when using the Services offered by The Privacy Policy is intended to protect and defend the Buyer and his Personal Data from unauthorized use. The privacy policy also applies to accounts.

The online store contains links to the websites of other persons, companies or organizations, and that the Seller is not responsible for the content of such websites and/or the methods used to ensure the Privacy Policy, so before submitting information about himself, the Buyer should familiarize himself with the rules of the relevant website, Privacy policies and other documents.

The user (buyer) can perform purchase actions after registering at the electronic store, as well as without registration.


The information that is collected about Users (buyers) depends on the services provided to you and what information you provide in the online store when starting to use the services or registering for an account. Your personal data is obtained in the following ways:

  • submitted by you 
  • generuojami automatiškai, kiek tai numato galiojantys teisės aktai (lankantis interneto svetainėje ir / ar socialinėje paskyroje, naudojantis programėlėmis);
  • obtained from third parties and/or publicly available sources, to the extent provided by applicable legal acts.

The buyer can perform purchase actions by registering at . The Buyer is responsible for the submission, accuracy and correctness of his Personal Data.

Persons wishing to register must provide their e-mail address and invented Password. An Account is created during registration. In the account, the Buyer enters his own data - name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, therefore only he is responsible for the correctness of these data. A User ID is provided to the buyer. The buyer can at any time:

  • correct and/or fill in Personal data in the Account. The Buyer is responsible for the correctness of the corrected and/or supplemented data;
  • go to The seller email address for account cancellation.

The seller collects and continues to process your personal data based on the legal grounds defined in the legal acts governing the protection of personal data:

  • when the Seller is required by valid legal acts to process personal data;
  • in order to enter into and/or perform the contract concluded with you;
  • With your consent;
  • for the legitimate interests of the Seller, when your private interests are not more important.

The seller processes personal data for the following purposes:

  • Provision of services, evaluation of the customer's solvency and credit risk management, defense of violated rights of the Seller
  • For proper service provision, service quality assurance.
  • Direct Marketing*.

The seller can transfer your personal data:

  • to data processors (service providers) who provide services and process your personal data on behalf of the Seller as a data controller (e.g. IT service providers, auditors, advertising agencies, transport service providers, etc.);
  • to other third parties when required by applicable legislation or when it is necessary to protect the legal interests of the Seller (eg courts, authorities and law enforcement authorities, etc.).

The user (buyer) grants the right to collect, manage, process and store the Buyer's Personal Data to the extent and for the purposes provided for in the Privacy Policy and other documents.

The seller stores the personal data of Users (buyers) as long as it is necessary to achieve the set goal. After achieving the set goal, the personal data of the Buyers is deleted, except for those cases when valid legal acts oblige the Seller to store personal data for the period specified in these legal acts. At the end of this period, personal data are deleted in such a way that they cannot be reproduced.

With the help of internal organizational and technical measures, the Seller ensures that the Personal Data provided by the Buyer are protected against any illegal actions: illegal alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data, identity theft, fraud, and compliance of the Personal Data protection level with the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

The buyer undertakes and must protect his login to slaptažodį ir prisijungimo vardą, bei kitus duomenis. Pirkėjas įsipareigoja ir privalo jokiems kitiems tretiesiems asmenims neatskleisti Asmens duomenų nei apie save, nei apie trečiuosius asmenis, jeigu tokie trečiųjų asmenų Asmens duomenys jam tapo prieinami, ir iš karto apie matomus pažeidimus informuoti Pardavėją.


The user (buyer), whose personal data is processed by the Seller, has the following rights:

  • to know (be informed) about the processing of your data;
  • get familiar with your personal data and how they are handled;
  • demand correction, destruction of your personal data or suspension, except for storage, of processing your personal data, when the data is processed in violation of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and provisions of other laws;
  • do not agree to the processing of your personal data.

All the specified rights of the subjects of personal data will be implemented after the prior identification and verification of the identity of the person who applies.

The seller may not provide you with the conditions to exercise the rights of the subjects of personal data indicated above, when it is necessary to ensure the prevention, investigation and detection of crimes, violations of official or professional ethics, as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of the data subject or other persons, in cases provided for by the applicable legal acts.

If you have any questions about the information provided in this privacy policy, please contact us in a convenient way.

Any request or instruction related to the processing of Personal Data must be submitted by the Buyer to the Seller in writing in one of the following ways:

1) by sending such a request or instruction to an e-mail address iš savo elektroninio pašto adreso.

Upon receiving such a request or instruction from the Buyer, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with an answer within 30 (thirty) calendar days at the latest and perform the actions specified in the request or refuse to perform them. At the buyer's request, the response must be provided in writing.


When the buyer visits, cookies are used. These are small pieces of information stored in your web browser that help to recognize you as a previous visitor to the website, save the history of your visit to the website and adapt the content accordingly. Also, cookies help ensure the smooth operation of the website and the electronic marketplace, allow you to monitor the duration and frequency of visits to this website and collect statistical information about the number of visitors to this website. By analyzing this data, we can improve it and make it more convenient for your use.

Cookies used by the seller do not independently identify a specific person. The data collected with the help of cookies is more related to the use of a specific computer than to a specific Internet user, but you can refuse the use of cookies by selecting certain settings in your browser. However, we draw your attention to the fact that in this case you will not be able to use all the functions provided by the website. Below is a list of cookies.


All intellectual property rights in the website and content (including photos) provided to the User belong to the Seller, and the information is protected by copyright laws and treaties worldwide.

The User may store, print or submit the Content only for his/her own personal use. The user has no rights to publish, manipulate, distribute or otherwise edit the content or submitted material in any form for commercial or personal use purposes.


The seller reserves the right to review and change the Privacy Policy at any time. Changes take effect immediately after they are published on the Website.